Conditions of the lease agreement

Lease period

The student housing we offer is rented for one semester at a time with a fixed start date and end date. This means that the lease agreement is time limited and it is not possible to terminate once you have entered into the agreement.

If your studies continue for more than one semester you can choose to renew your lease agreement for another semester. You can also choose to apply for a change into another housing for the next semester. Towards the end of each semester Bostad Västerås will send out an enquiry concerning this to all students residing in student housing. This is your chance to inform us of your plans!


Rent is paid twice per semester. (One semester equals approximately 5 months.)

First semester
The first installment of rent is paid when you accept the accommodation. You accept your offered accommodation by transferring half the semesters rent plus a deposit of SEK 4000 to Bostad Västerås. The amount of half semesters rent plus the deposit needs to be in our account no later than the deadline stated in the offer of accommodation.The second installment of rent is due October 31 (fall semester) or March 31 (spring semester). A pay in slip for the next rent installment will be sent to your e-mail approximately half a month before payment deadline.

Following semesters
The rent for a semester is divided in two equal amounts. You will pay rent for half of the semester in advance.

Rent installments are due:

  • July 31 (1st payment fall semester)
  • October 31 (2nd payment fall semester)
  • December 31 (1st payment spring semester)
  • March 31 (2nd payment spring semester)

Pay in slips will be sent to the e-mail address submitted in your application. Please make sure it is valid. Contact Bostad Västerås if you like to change to another e-mail address. Keep in mind that Bostad Västerås does not cover any bank fees.

Rent free periods

If you rent the same housing during:

Spring semester only - Half of June is rent free.
Both fall and spring semester - Half of June and whole month of July is rent free.


The deposit is used to cover any cost associated to the housing that has been caused by the tenant. This includes e.g. damage, failure on behalf of the tenant to abide by rules and regulations, absent of - or very late - rent, no cleaning or poor cleaning upon departure.

Upon departure a room inspection will be made by the landlord. If the landlord approves the cleaning and the state of the room the deposit will be refunded. The tenant is responsible for providing Bostad Västerås with his/her bank account information.

Please note!
Bostad Västerås does not cover any bank fees. The refunded amount will be deducted with SEK 100 to cover administration and bank fees. If the bank fees exceed SEK 100 the actual amount will be deducted. We always pay back the money in SEK, but if you wish to get the deposit back in another currecny please note this on the departure form.